40+ Royal Rules That Kate Middleton Has to Live By
This article appeared in vibeforest.com and has been published here with permission.
Although many people believe that becoming a royal family member means freedom, this isn't exactly true since all members must abide by stringent and often weird rules. The British royals respect their traditions, and Kate Middleton, as the future Queen consort, must obey them. Some customs might seem strange to the average person, but all new family members must conform. Read on to learn the royal rules Kate has to live by.
Stop Eating Rule
The Queen yielded excessive power, and one of her weirdest rules was that everyone eating with her, including Kate, must stop eating once she was done. All members had to observe the Queen while eating and follow protocol.
Whether or not the Queen was conscious of the "stop eating" rule, all members had to stop eating when she decided to quit. Kate was supposed to abide by this rule, no matter how strange it may sound. It remains to be seen if King Charles will continue this rule.