40+ Fashion Mistakes That Are Making You Look Like a Frumpy Mom

This article appeared in pinkpossible.com and has been published here with permission.

As we grow older, our bodies change, and so do our fashion choices. Well, at least that's what's supposed to happen. But with just a quick look around at other women in malls or school pick-ups, it's clear that some women still don't know how to dress for their age and body type. From dressing too young to letting themselves go completely, there are a few fashion mistakes that moms of today make far too often, which should be avoided completely.

Stay Away From Leggings

Yoga pants, jeggings, and leggings. For some, this is a staple part of their wardrobe but should be ditched completely. Leggings scream "lazy" and seem to be the first thing many women grab when they're getting ready in the morning.

Stay Away From Leggings

We get it, leggings are comfortable, but they do nothing to help you look well put together and often just end up making you look frumpy.


Stripes will always be on trend, but be careful about the type of stripes you choose. Vertical lines will help you look taller and slimmer and should be opted for over horizontal stripes. For those that carry a little bit extra in the tummy, horizontal stripes only make you look wider and shorter and are unflattering at best.


Never wear stripes on stripes; consider a monochromatic color scheme if you want to wear stripes well. All we can say about stripes on stripes is that it's an attack on the senses. Avoid!

Ditch the Complicated Hair-Dos

A fussy hairdo requires more time to manage than most of us have. While we're not saying get a boring cut, a more complicated hairdo can take the time you don't have when getting everybody ready in the morning.

Ditch the Complicated Hair-Dos

As pretty as these hairdos can look, they can be somewhat impractical. Rather go for a simple cut that flatters your face and complements your style and personality.

Skip the Low-Waisted Jeans

Low-waisted jeans might have been hot in the early 2000s, but most stores and designers go for high-waisted jeans. Let's be real, we all need a bit of a lift as we age, and that's exactly what a good, tailored pair of high-waisted jeans can do for you.

Skip the Low-Waisted Jeans

There's nothing bad we can say about high-waisted jeans. And the best part? High-waisted jeans can also hide that mommy-tummy.