40+ Fashion Mistakes That Are Making You Look Like a Frumpy Mom
This article appeared in pinkpossible.com and has been published here with permission.
As we grow older, our bodies change, and so do our fashion choices. Well, at least that's what's supposed to happen. But with just a quick look around at other women in malls or school pick-ups, it's clear that some women still don't know how to dress for their age and body type. From dressing too young to letting themselves go completely, there are a few fashion mistakes that moms of today make far too often, which should be avoided completely.
Stay Away From Leggings
Yoga pants, jeggings, and leggings. For some, this is a staple part of their wardrobe but should be ditched completely. Leggings scream "lazy" and seem to be the first thing many women grab when they're getting ready in the morning.
We get it, leggings are comfortable, but they do nothing to help you look well put together and often just end up making you look frumpy.