35+ Creative Brides Who Made Their Own Wedding Dresses
This article appeared in oklaugh.com and has been published here with permission.
While weddings can be a source of stress and panic for many, extra dedicated brides who take the time to add "make my wedding dress" to their to-do lists are especially ready for the challenge. These creative brides who made their own wedding dresses are here to show us that an idea and a bit of patience can be transformed into the most perfect gown. Keep reading to see how these brides-to-be got their creative juices flowing...
Modern Modifications to Mom’s Wedding Dress
When this bride inherited her mother's old wedding dress, she didn't think twice of it at the time. She was set on seeking out her own brand new dress. However, after many disappointing searches, she came to realize that she could simply make her own dream dress.
So, she went back to her mother's gown. Soon enough, with some inspiration and careful planning, the bride had her dress. The thirty-year-old gown was completely transformed, but without wasting a single element of the original fabric.